******* Where does a newborn go from here? The Net is Vast, and Infinate...******** whelp guys, Here's how I solved the cookies problems evne on windwoes! make the cookie file "read only" It works pretty well, even for MSN sites. apparenlty thier computer tries to write to your hard drive and thinks , since it sent the message that it must have worked, or if they get an error message they dont keep trying, either way is ok by moi! It only annoys my users a little bit, I have them surf to evey "personalised" site they have and setup personalisations, before I make the file read only.. and then tell they they dont have any more alloted space to do more, unless they want to delete some??? <evil grin> and on a really other topic: since I cant even get an email reply out of Suse US; phone tree never has a human pick up I went ot Best Buy , which so many of you have touted, and got suse7.1 pro for $49 !!! I am about to log out of this y'ar windwos and get into serious installation mode ... Blondely, j afterthought--- Clinton has replaced the military salute with a wink.
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