Re: [suse-security-announce] SUSE Security Announcement: freetype2 (SUSE-SA:2006:037)
Am Dienstag, 27. Juni 2006 14:24 schrieb Thomas Biege:
SUSE Security Announcement
Package: freetype2, freetype2-devel
as soon as i recompile the source rpm for suse 9.2 with the ft-smooth-cvs patch from this site: freetype just stops working, truetype fonts just aren't displayed anymore... with the source rpm from the DVD it worked fine. that patch gives me much better font display quality than "regular" freetype2, even better than ClearType on windows XP, especially on TFT screens... Any ideas? bye, MH
Mathias Homann schrieb:
Am Dienstag, 27. Juni 2006 14:24 schrieb Thomas Biege:
SUSE Security Announcement
Package: freetype2, freetype2-devel
as soon as i recompile the source rpm for suse 9.2 with the ft-smooth-cvs patch from this site:
freetype just stops working, truetype fonts just aren't displayed anymore... with the source rpm from the DVD it worked fine.
... until you comment out the cjkfonts-autohint patch. too bad that you can't have both. bye, -- Die unaufgeforderte Zusendung einer Werbemail an Privatleute verstößt gegen §1 UWG und §823 I BGB (Beschluß des LG Berlin vom 2.8.1998 Az: 16 O 201/98). Jede kommerzielle Nutzung der übermittelten persönlichen Daten sowie deren Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdrücklich untersagt!
participants (1)
Mathias Homann