Re: [suse-security] SpammAssassin in 9.3 lets spam pass trhough

El 2005-05-07 a las 17:51 +0200, Markus Schwaiger escribió:
The "ALL_TRUSTED"-rule matches usually only if you habe a whitelist_from or whitelist_to entry in one of your config files (, eg:
whitelist_from whitelist_to
No, that's not the case, and I don't have any white list rules that could match. The fact is that the ALL_TRUSTED is scoring, adding a negative value. I just want to give it a 0 value (so that it doesn't act), and my changes are ignored.
X-Spam-Status: No, score=2.6 required=5.0 tests=ALL_TRUSTED,BAYES_99,
The rule is described in the brief doc as "Did not pass through any untrusted hosts". When a user is in a whitelist, you get the "USER_IN_WHITELIST" token, like this: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-99.7 required=5.0 tests=MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER, OPTING_OUT,OPTING_OUT_CAPS,RCVD_DOUBLE_IP_LOOSE,USER_IN_WHITELIST autolearn=no version=3.0.2 -- Saludos Carlos Robinson
participants (1)
Carlos E. R.