Wierd stuff coming out of SuSE's nameserver?
Over the past two days, one of my servers has been getting connections from ns.suse.de attempting to send mail to strange addresses in my domain. For instance: Mar 11 09:56:38 shadow postfix/smtpd[17219]: connect from ns.suse.de[] Mar 11 09:56:38 shadow postfix/smtpd[17219]: 9AED41E4F2: client=ns.suse.de[] Mar 11 09:56:39 shadow postfix/smtpd[17219]: 9AED41E4F2: reject: RCPT from ns.suse.de[]: 450 <20040203131322.ckkgoccks8owc80s@rio.vg>: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<> to=<20040203131322.ckkgoccks8owc80s@rio.vg> proto=ESMTP helo=<Cantor.suse.de> Mar 11 09:56:41 shadow postfix/smtpd[17219]: disconnect from ns.suse.de[] As "ns.x.x" is generally the nameserver, I assume that SuSE would be running linux on such a server. Over the past two days, I have recieved over a dozen of these attempts. I've sent an e-mail to security@suse.com and abuse@suse.com, but I thought it might be wise to also give a heads up to the list. Is anyone else getting these connections? Has ns.suse.de been owned by nefarious parties? Or is this some new exploit in postfix or even a linux worm?
Disregard this. Someone has been forging my domain into their e-mails, the below are just bounces from someone sending mail to suse with my domain from fake addresses. I hate spammers. Quoting suse@rio.vg:
Over the past two days, one of my servers has been getting connections from ns.suse.de attempting to send mail to strange addresses in my domain.
For instance: Mar 11 09:56:38 shadow postfix/smtpd[17219]: connect from ns.suse.de[] Mar 11 09:56:38 shadow postfix/smtpd[17219]: 9AED41E4F2: client=ns.suse.de[] Mar 11 09:56:39 shadow postfix/smtpd[17219]: 9AED41E4F2: reject: RCPT from ns.suse.de[]: 450 <20040203131322.ckkgoccks8owc80s@rio.vg>: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<> to=<20040203131322.ckkgoccks8owc80s@rio.vg> proto=ESMTP helo=<Cantor.suse.de> Mar 11 09:56:41 shadow postfix/smtpd[17219]: disconnect from ns.suse.de[]
As "ns.x.x" is generally the nameserver, I assume that SuSE would be running linux on such a server. Over the past two days, I have recieved over a dozen of these attempts.
I've sent an e-mail to security@suse.com and abuse@suse.com, but I thought it might be wise to also give a heads up to the list.
Is anyone else getting these connections? Has ns.suse.de been owned by nefarious parties? Or is this some new exploit in postfix or even a linux worm?
-- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands, e-mail: suse-security-help@suse.com Security-related bug reports go to security@suse.de, not here
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