Getting public keys for signed mails automatically

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi List, I have set up kmail to use OpenPGP for encripted and signed mails. When I get signed mails this works pretty well as long as the public key of the sender is in my key ring. If it is not I get a warning that the public key is not available. Of course I could now download the public key from a key server (provided that it is available on the server) and import it with kgpg but that's a long way to go. Is there any means to automate this process, eg. to downlad public keys which are not in the key ring when a mail is opened? Thanks for your help! Jürgen -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFBAn9etMrl3JEeRvwRAlmmAJ9wasJzG5sxVgQwc178T8UF8BTNFwCeJ1xc 27vq++W4Zbv+Hss8+AYlDzU= =T4bm -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Hello, Am Samstag, 24. Juli 2004 17:25 schrieb Jürgen Mell:
I have set up kmail to use OpenPGP for encripted and signed mails. When I get signed mails this works pretty well as long as the public key of the sender is in my key ring. If it is not I get a warning that the public key is not available. Of course I could now download the public key from a key server (provided that it is available on the server) and import it with kgpg but that's a long way to go. Is there any means to automate this process, eg. to downlad public keys which are not in the key ring when a mail is opened?
GPG can auto-retrieve the keys. You have a t-o{n,ff}line adress, so I assume you understand German ;-) So have a look at my homepage: If you have a flatrate and are always online, adding keyserver-options honor-http-proxy auto-key-retrieve keyserver to ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf (perhaps without "honor-http-proxy") should be enough. Gruß Christian Boltz -- "And 1.1.81 is officially BugFree(tm), so if you receive any bug-reports on it, you know they are just evil lies." [Linus Torvalds]

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi, thanks to all who replied. Retrieving keys now works like a charm and Chritian Boltz' homepage might be a great help for all who have no permanent internet connection (and understand German). Jürgen On Sunday 25 July 2004 00:35, Christian Boltz wrote:
Am Samstag, 24. Juli 2004 17:25 schrieb Jürgen Mell:
I have set up kmail to use OpenPGP for encripted and signed mails. When I get signed mails this works pretty well as long as the public key of the sender is in my key ring. If it is not I get a warning that the public key is not available. Of course I could now download the public key from a key server (provided that it is available on the server) and import it with kgpg but that's a long way to go. Is there any means to automate this process, eg. to downlad public keys which are not in the key ring when a mail is opened?
GPG can auto-retrieve the keys.
You have a t-o{n,ff}line adress, so I assume you understand German ;-) So have a look at my homepage:
If you have a flatrate and are always online, adding keyserver-options honor-http-proxy auto-key-retrieve keyserver to ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf (perhaps without "honor-http-proxy") should be enough.
Christian Boltz -- "And 1.1.81 is officially BugFree(tm), so if you receive any bug-reports on it, you know they are just evil lies." [Linus Torvalds] -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
iD8DBQFBA1eYtMrl3JEeRvwRAoKwAKCAvmQC7vbaQjqVpzI8Vr2PsBnnHgCgoErO Xio0CJ2YyNyI/SU+vBA3Cso= =ujS0 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

/ 2004-07-25 08:47:46 +0200 \ Jürgen Mell:
thanks to all who replied. Retrieving keys now works like a charm and Chritian Boltz' homepage might be a great help for all who have no permanent internet connection (and understand German).
yes, nice one. one comment for the bash tricks, though: #!/bin/bash false | true | false | true | false echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" 1 0 1 0 1 unlösbar, ja? :) Lars Ellenberg -- I'd sent this as private mail, but I'm too lazy to look up the OPs email in the archive :)

Hello, Am Sonntag, 25. Juli 2004 10:58 schrieb Lars Ellenberg: [ ]
yes, nice one. one comment for the bash tricks, though:
#!/bin/bash false | true | false | true | false echo "${PIPESTATUS[*]}" 1 0 1 0 1
unlösbar, ja?
And learned something again. man bash is too long to know everything ;-) But my way works for all types of variables, not only exitcodes *g* Gruß Christian Boltz -- I am the "ILOVEGNU" signature virus. Just copy me to your signature. This message was infected under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004, Jürgen Mell wrote: Hi J�rgen. I presume that you speak german. Otherwise tell me.
[...] Of course I could now download the public key from a key server (provided that it is available on the server) and import it with kgpg but that's a long way to go. Is there any means to automate this process, eg. to downlad public keys which are not in the key ring when a mail is opened?
Ich habe es bereits mit mehreren Methoden versucht. Inzwischen ist es mir wieder möglich, ein Experiment zu starten. Es Unterstellt, dass man mit Freundlichkeit doch etwas erreichen kann... man -P "less +'/retrieve'" gpg beantwortet Deine Frage. Schlicht interessieren würde mich, warum Du diese Stelle nicht gefunden hast. War es das falsche Stichwort? War es eine Aversion gegen man- pages? Wenn es letzteres war, woher kommt diese? Was war es? Auch wenn Linux mit KDE wie Windows aussieht, so ist es immernoch Linux, also ein Unix. Und man-pages sind um vielfaches informativer als die Windows-Hilfe. _Bitte_ benutze die man-pages. MfG Henning Hucke -- Eine Gesellschaft von Schafen muss mit der Zeit eine Regierung von Woelfen hervorbringen. -- Bertrand de Jouvenel
participants (4)
Christian Boltz
Henning Hucke
Lars Ellenberg