10 Sep
10 Sep
I'm having trouble with a fresh installed (and updated) suse 7.2 box. In a directory (/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/.../...) there is a .htaccess with the following content: --snip-- deny from all --snip-- But it does not work :( linux:~ # rpm -qa |grep apa apache-1.3.19-48 apache-contrib-1.0.9-94 are there any packets missing? I also disabled mod_auth_nds and mod_auth_ldap, (although they were not installed anyway, just for safety) thank you for help Markus Gaugusch -- _____________________________ /"\ Markus Gaugusch ICQ 11374583 \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign markus@gaugusch.dhs.org X Against HTML Mail / \