Hi! On Sat, 23 Oct 2004 12:28:30 -0500, Joe Morris (NTM) <joe_morris@ntm.org> wrote:
I have one user that I allow to have limited access to our server, through WinSCP. I limited his access to his home directory by making his default shell rbash instead of bash (restricted bash). It worked
Thanks. I also got the same pointer from Wolfgang off-list. Also thanks to Petri for pointing out that the ssh server from SSH.com might actually be free for non commercial user (I'm looking at this for home usage!). I haven't checked yet, but the ssh server should be available via ftp. I think I will have to uninstall the OpenSSH and replace it completely with the SSH variant in this case. Anyhow, I now have a quite a few possibilities. I think the closesto to what I was originally looking for would be available with the SSH.com server, but the WebDAV route actually seems very interesting indeed. I think I will check that first. Thanks to all! -- HG