And they aren´t that able to edit conf and rc scripts.
They don't need to. It's an option in yast: edit configuration file.
That is (nearly) the same for those kind of useres. The "Konfigurtionsdatei verändern" in Yast is still very long an cryptic even for slightly advanced users.
is enabled - that's a problem if you are connected to the internet permanently. In that case your sysadmin should configure the box. For home users I think it would be secure enough to disable inetd.
I´m talking about all those boxes that are indeed 24h connected to the net, standalone desktops at Universities etc., or as Derek just told homecomputers of " "power user" != "knowledgeable system administrator" " with 24h/statics (I think we will have those here in germany too sometime in the future). (Btw: at home a lot of people also need inetd running because they have a small home-network running) And these useres are almost their own sysadmins! I thing it is good that people emigrate from that frustrating, time-wasting m*-tr**h but this doesn´t mean Linuxinstallation/-administration needs less time or is much easier (but you are much more successfull :-) ). What has to be done by a Linuxdistribution (imho) is to give the (new-)user an (self-)explaning and transparent system and the information and the right consciousness (about network-secuity... and so on) to run such a system - even when it is online on the net! This is the difference with Linux! You are ALLOWED TO and you CAN DO EVERYTHING (nearly) with your system! Everything means everything - in Good as in Bad, knowingly or ignorant!
(BTW: for nscd there seems to be no manpage/documentation. And I do not remember beeing asked at installation if I want to install nscd or not.)
ARGH! What are you doing, SuSE?
Yes, SuSE-6.2. Thats the reason why I am posting here at [suse-security] ;-) -------Markus Gaugusch wrote: ------ nscd is included in shlibs.rpm and related files are (I think): [output of rpm -ql shlibs |grep nsc] /etc/nscd.conf /usr/sbin/nscd /usr/sbin/nscd_nischeck ------------------------------ Yea, that is all I found! :-(( So, hey ho, lets go... Hartmut