Hi there!
dear suse security team,
on my standard suse 6.3 internet server, i have to do "/sbin/init.d/syslog reload" after any log rotation. if i don't restart it, syslog will not write to the new log files.
I'm not one of the SuSE-team, but I had the same problem and found a solution... There is a file called /etc/logfiles and if you change the lines which have to do with syslogd like this...: # # This file tells cron.daily, which log files have to be watched # # File max size mode ownership service # (reload if changed) ... /var/log/mail +4096k 640 root.root syslog /var/log/messages +4096k 640 root.root syslog ... ...the syslog-Daemon is restarted after log rotation. Hope this helps, Michael