Kastus/all, thank you - yes indeed the addresses were there. Also the LABEL_A/B synax has made them visible in the ifconfig command. Thanks much - Richard -----Original Message----- From: Kastus [mailto:NOSPAM@tprfct.net] Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:56 PM To: SuSE-Security Subject: Re: [suse-security] Adding and additional IP address, does it affect SuSE firewall? On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 12:16:20PM -0700, Richard Mixon (qwest) wrote:
Thank you for the reply, however it does not appear to work for me. I issues an SuSEconfig and then did " rcnetwork restart -o type=eth". The conents of my ifcfg-eth1 (eth0 is not used) and output of ifconfig are below.
I apologize for jumping in into the thread. It did work for you, you just mixed different tool that's why you were not able to see the results. ifcfg-eth1 file is processed by ip command, so if you run /sbin/ip addr show after restarting the network, you should see your aliases. If you want to see aliases in ifconfig, then you have to add LABEL entries to your ifcfg-eth1 file. Syntax should be similar to all others, LABEL_A=":0" LABEL_B=":1" HTH, -Kastus -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands, e-mail: suse-security-help@suse.com Security-related bug reports go to security@suse.de, not here