Markus Feilner schrieb:
Hello List, I have some questions concerning the backup of a cyrus imap server:
Do you have any hints how to backup a Cyrus IMAP Server in general? I found two basic solutions, none of which seem perfect: a) stop the server, backup /var/lib/... AND THE CONFIG FILES, restart the server. b) make a snapshot of the filesystem (e.g. following the cyrus wiki)
Solution b) seems a little much for a simple backup, but i don't want to stop my IMAP Server during the backup. So my questions are:
Are there better solutions? There must be, hm?
How long does Cyrus have to be down during backup? Do you have any experience?
I make a rdist-copy to a second server and then a backup of the second one. During the rdist-copy the IMAP-Server has to be stopped for about 5 minutes. The backup of the second server however lasts several hours. I didn't find a better solution 2 years ago. Maybe there is one, now. HTH Dieter