21 Nov
21 Nov
* Frédéric Poulet; <pofrederic@yahoo.fr> on 21 Nov, 2002 wrote:
I read that use Squid with Susefirewall allow to have more security, is it true ? I would want try Squid how i can config Squid and Susefirewall, i don't find example ?
I could not resist if not Squid configuration for SUSEfirewall2 what that is on page 28 exapmple 7 of the firewall2.pdf that has been out there for ages. For god sake please read the documentations including squid.conf which is full of comments What have you tried and failed after reading the documenations. Mostly wants to have a fish today while linux is all about how to catch fish -- Togan Muftuoglu Unofficial SuSE FAQ Maintainer http://dinamizm.ath.cx