-----Original Message----- From: Philipp Rusch [mailto:philipp.rusch@rusch-edv.de] Sent: 07 April 2004 10:50 To: suse-security@suse.com Subject: Re: [suse-security] Multiple Internal Networks not Routing
In your case, if you are still free to choose your network adresses and don't have more than 254 hosts, I would strongly recommend that you go for something like 192.168.1.x/24 on eth1 and 192.168.2.y/24 on eth2 or if you have more hosts, go for 172.16.1.x/16 on eth1 if there is the majority of your hosts and take 192.168.2.x/24 for eth2.
You do not necessarily have to stick to the old "class" boundaries. You can choose to use only the 172.16.x.x/16 range and then sub divide it into smaller or bigger parts for each network using variable length subnet masks like the /20 /19 /22 etc which give you more hosts without restricting you to the old class boundaries which is exactly what CIDR was meant to solve. ( CIDR= Classless InterDomain Routing) Noah.