On Friday 27 April 2001 22:12, you wrote:
here in Austria (and probably in Germany too) we have a data protection law that makes most logfiles illegal. Only data necessary for billing and technical aspects my be logged. So I act illegal like every other ISP and internet related company. Jip, the same in Germany, the probleme is a simple one: EU-law breaks country law (hope it's the right word). Just another remark: parts of this cybercrime act are in opposition to the German constitution
The prosecution authorities seem to cooperate with the ISPA (ISP Association) in a questionable and probably illegal way. (The ISPA was funded after the prosecution authorities shut down an ISP in an illegal way) There are evidences, that members of the ISPA gave information in an illegal context to investigation authorities that lead to the arrest to criminals like virus/worm authors and such.
Ever heard about another lawinitiative in Germany 'Der große Lauschangriff' this thing gave the allowance to the authorities to do the things they have been doing illegaly for the last years. An interesting thing is that the organisations who are the biggest supporters of the cybercrime act are the police and secret agencies. "snip"
After all, the current documents in relation to the ETSI publications seem to indicate they are targeted against backbone equippment to provide user profiles (for now). The words of the documents if transferred to local laws unchanged will open easy ways to "real time" onlinen access requrements to logfiles. In that case I have to transfer my servers to somewhere outside the EU, because I cannot pay the additional transfercost (given that the per MB cost are relative high here). From teh technical point of view I could duplicate the logfiles, one with access of the law enforcment agencies, one without.
:-) Regards Jochen