8 May
8 May
* Roger C Haslock (roger@haslock.com) [020508 04:57]:
It would seem to me that there should be an OT list, and all and any OT traffic gets diverted there.
That's sort of what suse-linux-e, suse-linux-s, and suse-linux are supposed to be. That's also one of the reasons they generate hundreds of posts per day I think.
A summary of the diversions could be posted once a week on the host list (suse-security in this case); that way, people could keep track of whats going on, and the OT list could breed its own lists.
Interesting. The qmail lists have something similar--the open qmail list that has many of the same problems as this list and a "best of qmail" list that is either moderated or filtered somehow (I'm not sure what). -- -ckm