SuSE patches current version numbers that are released with the distribution..hence 2.9.9p2 was the version number that was released with 7.3. They do this as not to break any depts that might depend on this. Don't worry..unless you need some special feature of 3.1p1 you can feel somewhat safe that it's patched. You could also what I have done and just compile 3.1p1 yourself and make sure it goes into the same path that the previous version resides in. This is fairly simple and doesn't take long. I would suggest that you compile against the OpenSSL that you already have installed...because if you install a newer OpenSSL things like Konq's support for SSL break and they will need to be recompiled against the new version of OpenSSL. And since there haven't been any security updates for OpenSSL..the newer versions are just feature adds. * Robert Greenwell (robertgreenwell@satel.com) [020502 08:51]: ::I have SuSe 7.3 with rpm package openssh-2.9.9p2-98. I noticed that ::openssh is at version 3.1p1. Are there plans to provide the newer ::version? -=Ben --=====-----=====-- mailto:ben@whack.org --=====-- If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little. -GC --=====-----=====--