on a SuSE 8.0 installation with an ext3 root filesystem, the new kernel panics on boot, saying that can't access device 03:05 (the root filesystem is on /dev/hda5). The previous kernel did not exhibit this problem. The
I have experienced the same problem with SuSE 7.3 - just in my case it was the disk 80:03 (sda3) . The computer boots only after I have changed the fstab entry to mount the root system as ext2 - now I have a warning that I am mounting an ext3 system as ext2, but at least the kernel is not in panic. I have exactly followed the update procedure, namely I have run mk_initrd and lilo (and both initrd files are now rebuilt). I had no problem when mounting the filesystem in Tiny floppy linux Tomsrtbt. I know that oficially ext3 was supported only in SuSE 8.0, but with the previous kernel (2.4.16) I had absolutely no problem. sincerely Vaclav Brunnhofer ___________________________________ NOCC, http://nocc.sourceforge.net