Hallo, ist der neue Kernel für SAP-Server zugelassen? Oder darf man ihn ohne Gefahr für das System benutzen (bisher SLES8, SP2a)? Gruß aus Leipzig \/\/erner Flamme Thomas Biege schrieb am 18.02.2004 23:20:
SUSE Security Announcement
Package: Linux Kernel Announcement-ID: SuSE-SA:2004:005 Date: Wednesday, Feb. 18th 2004 23:05 MET Affected products: 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 9.0 SuSE Linux Database Server, SuSE eMail Server III, 3.1 SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 7, 8 SuSE Linux Firewall on CD/Admin host SuSE Linux Connectivity Server SuSE Linux Office Server Vulnerability Type: local privilege escalation Severity (1-10): 6 SUSE default package: yes Cross References: CAN-2004-0003 CAN-2004-0010 CAN-2004-0077 CAN-2004-0075
Content of this advisory: 1) security vulnerability resolved: - do_mremap: insecure memory page management - several local denial-of-service attacks problem description, discussion, solution and upgrade information 2) pending vulnerabilities, solutions, workarounds: - netpbm - zebra - susehelp - mod_gzip - mod_auth_shadow - mod_python - mutt - mailman - clamav - XFree86/xf86 - libxml2 3) standard appendix (further information) ---snip--- -- Werner Flamme, Abt. WKDV UFZ Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig eMail: werner.flamme@ufz.de, Tel.: (0341) 235-2500