Hi !
I'm having trouble applying the new html2ps-1.0b1-428.i386.rpm to an up-to-date SuSE 7.0 machine. I downloaded the rpm from ftp.suse.com and checked the MD5 checksum which is ok. When I apply the rpm to my system with rpm -Fhv html2ps-1.0b1-428.i386.rpm nothing happens and I can't kill the command with Ctrl-C.
"ps l" reports (originally one line): 000 0 20608 19894 0 0 2328 992 leaf_m D pts/0 \ 0:00 /bin/rpm -U --hash --verbose -- html2ps-1.0b1-428.i386.rpm
According to "man ps", the status code "D" means: "uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)"
I can kill "rpm" with "kill -9 process-ID". If I do so, it takes some seconds until the rpm process is killed.
Is someone having the same trouble on a SuSE 7.0 ? Or could give me a hint what may be wrong ?
This looks like a problem with the filesystem or the harddrive underneath. Can you see something unusual in the output of "dmesg"? Please run the command with an "strace -tfvv" before on the commandline and see where it gets stuck. Roman. -- - - | Roman Drahtmüller <draht@suse.de> // "You don't need eyes to see, | SuSE Linux AG - Security Phone: // you need vision!" | Nürnberg, Germany +49-911-740530 // Maxi Jazz, Faithless | - -