Michael Schoenwiese wrote:
Since some days, my /var/log/messages shows every 20 minutes following lines, then sometimes it stops a few days doing so and sometimes it start doing it.
There is no cronjob except the one which runs a tar command to zip all user homes to a tape drive and also all configuration files and databases.
here is what it looks like :
Aug 8 00:12:30 mail -- MARK -- Aug 8 00:32:30 mail -- MARK -- Aug 8 00:52:30 mail -- MARK -- Aug 8 01:12:30 mail -- MARK -- Aug 8 01:32:30 mail -- MARK -- Aug 8 01:52:30 mail -- MARK -- Aug 8 02:12:30 mail -- MARK --
mail is the name of the host
does anyone have an idea what it could be ?
I suppose it's syslogd The SuSE support database has the solution at: http://sdb.suse.de/sdb/de/html/js_syslog.html jan.meyer