Hi list, I have a strange problem with apache 1.3.19 running on SuSE7.0: After I have done the last security update from 18 June to apache 1.3.19-115 I am not able to start the webserver with the mod_ssl and/or mod_php (mod_php is for version php3). It is only possible to start the webserver with "httpd -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf" . If I start the server with "/sbin/init.d/apache start" it seemed to be OK until I do a request to the webserver: Then I got the message in the apache-error-log: "[Mon Jul 8 18:32:50 2002] [notice] child pid 9736 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)" and nothing happens in my browser! The same thing happens if I start the server with "httpd -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf -D SSL". If I try to start the server with the option "-D PHP" I got a message "sqlinit: DBROOT must be set !!!" But the DBROOT is set! And the server didn't start. Anybody there who had the same problem and could help me? Is it perhaps the php-modul which isn't supported anylonger? I need this machine running php3 not php4 ! Many thanks and regards Ruediger Doerlich InterConcept GmbH Drosselweg 27 D-61462 Koenigstein http://www.i-concept.de