ssh? cron? syslog? ntp? they are much easier to build, than a kernel. Kernel means really high complexity for the distributor, because it has to run on many, many, many, MANY different machines. Software like cron, ssh, syslog doesn't need to be built (much) machine specific, and can be rolled out faster. What I wanted to say, is, that the kernel is so special, that every admin should know, how to build it, and apply patches. Just like very windoze user knows how to reboot ... I must disagree on this point. Does everyone that drives a car know how to fix it? I sure don't. No, but people driving through the desert should at least be able to change the tires if one gets damaged. The internet is a hard place, and admins must be able to survive there. I think Theo de Radt has a good quote on this "we don't want administrators to have to be security experts, that's why we ship OpenBSD secure by default". very nice, but sometimes shit happens ;-)
Markus -- _____________________________ /"\ Markus Gaugusch ICQ 11374583 \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign X Against HTML Mail / \