I am not sure if this really is security related, but it might be: A few weeks ago I set up a mirror of ftp.suse.com (using ftp.gwdg.de, not the original site). While upgrading to Apache 1.3.19 I started to look for mod_ssl, which needs to be upgraded, too. I looked in /pub/suse/i386/update/7.0/n1 and in /pub/suse/i386/update/7.0/sec1 No mod_ssl. So - I tried the SuSE Web-Site. After looking for a while, I found a reference to mod_ssl in an article about upgrading Apache: http://sdb.suse.de/sdb/de/html/jsj_apache_update.html There is a reference to ftp.suse.de:/pub/suse/i386/update/7.0/sec1/mod_ssl.rpm ^^ Is this due to export restrictions with encryption-related software? Do I have to mirror the German Server to get encryption-related software? Thanks for your help, Martin -- GiS - Gesellschaft fuer integrierte Systemplanung mbH Martin Sckopke Tel. +49-6201-503-74 Junkersstr. 2 Fax +49-6201-503-66 D-69469 Weinheim m.sckopke@gis-systemhaus.de