-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Philippe Vogel schrieb:
First of all spamassassin has to learn what you consider as spam and what you consider as ham (no spam). If you don't teach both you may get false positives.
I use cyrus + postfix + cyrus + amavisd-new + serverbased imap-filter-rules for my users - but this setup may be a littlebit too complex ;). In short: One rules sorts spam into spam-folder of the user's imap-folder (it will be deleted manually in case the spam-filter recognises too much as spam). I made a spamassassin imap-folder for each user and a cron-script learnes the bayes for each user every day from this folder.
Here is my script for postfix/cyrus/spamassassin:
[Begin Script]
#!/bin/bash # # Spamassassin Cron-Script # # Target: Learn spam and add to spam-db for all users with their own spam. # # learn spam and clear spamassassin-folder ... # /usr/bin/sa-learn --spam /var/spool/imap/user/*/Spamassassin/*. su - cyrus -c '/usr/lib/cyrus/bin/ipurge -i -b 1 user.*.Spamassassin' # # find users ... # LOCUSERS=`find /home -group users -maxdepth 1` for LOCALUSERS in $LOCUSERS; do LUSERS=$LUSERS" "${LOCALUSERS:6} done # # Copy global config for all users # for namen in $LUSERS; do test -d "/home/$namen/.spamassassin" || { mkdir /home/$namen/.spamassassin; } cp -R /root/.spamassassin/bayes* /home/$namen/.spamassassin chown -R $namen:users /home/$namen/.spamassassin done #echo 'Starte Postfix neu:' #/etc/init.d/postfix restart echo 'User-Spamdb updated!'
[End Script]
If you don't use imap you can use a pop3-account and move your spam as admin to another users mailbox (maybe user = spam) and execute the following (you have to change the folder at the end to your settings!!!):
#learn spam:
/usr/bin/sa-learn --spam /var/spool/mail/spam
#learn ham:
/usr/bin/sa-learn --ham /var/spool/mail/mailbox-with-ham-and-no-spam
This mailbox should not include ham otherwise you get false positives!
If you want to create a config-file with most options for spamassassin you may use this form:
Otherwise you should examine the manpages and search a lot with google.
Spamfiltering in general based on postifx:
Make acl's to filter mails (postfix will reject this mails):
- use amavisd-new to scan for viruses (f-prot is free for use for private users under linux) - disable notification of virus in amavis and disable any other notifications in spamassassin (postfix should ony rejet this and don't give any answers) - reject executable extensions (I do this via amavid-new) -> good bye virus - use a rbl-server for blocking announced spam-providing servers - non-existing url's (dns-check) - Implement spamassassin or any other spam-filter.
In general: Don't answer to any spam of any kind.
With this policy I get about max. 3 spam-mails per day (before a lot more). After learning ham I don't get much lase positives (now exactly 0%).
Bet way to learn ham is to learn all your mails from your mailbox containing no spam!
I forgot to mention that this db can only work for your server, so don't ask for a spam-db, this is always unique for one server. If your server learned about a month you will notice a lower spam level (if you get a lot 'o' spam). Your server must permanently learnspam and ham! A too low level will filter too much. Reguards Philippe - -- Diese Nachricht ist digital signiert und enthält weder Siegel noch Unterschrift! Die unaufgeforderte Zusendung einer Werbemail an Privatleute verstößt gegen §1 UWG und 823 I BGB (Beschluß des LG Berlin vom 2.8.1998 Az: 16 O 201/98). Jede kommerzielle Nutzung der übermittelten persönlichen Daten sowie deren Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdrücklich untersagt! - -- Diese Nachricht ist digital signiert und enthält weder Siegel noch Unterschrift! Die unaufgeforderte Zusendung einer Werbemail an Privatleute verstößt gegen §1 UWG und 823 I BGB (Beschluß des LG Berlin vom 2.8.1998 Az: 16 O 201/98). Jede kommerzielle Nutzung der übermittelten persönlichen Daten sowie deren Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdrücklich untersagt! -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iQD1AwUBQnzNK0Ng1DRVIGjBAQLeWQb/RUtpBdtoSY3aOsGgX6gEa6ttaYFxx2qS jhYuQjEsG4h9lv3BOcxodHKgs/Z3f+JyfYy7Zxqlf5lHZrxyoHiqEJkbq3mn9byV lP8ymRRWbsWXepG+/2zDCdyYq+5zX4wDusYd+9qN39mxcSlNquXKNnsbR2k/YRrj PEe9UVslIxv1jFBsEE0B4HbdAxIpXeVbvNgV3wXCvYuNmCPXVOS1BlZZA9KUZz1T hdSnJJcM01uvWK0p1Cy6BiTI8H9ODXr6jPI38yVO3TaLonP0Q6b6q87k6IV0qfCH 9oZSEJj0Ico= =DpyF -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----