Hi folks, after all the buffer overflows found in proftpd and SuSE's unambigous statement yesterday night, I wonder which ftp daemon to use if you have to run ftpd services on a production machine. SuSE recommended D. J. Bernstein's anonftpd for anonymous ftp access. But what to do if user logins are required? Which daemon would you recommend if - security (hey, we're on suse-security ;-) - easy configuration - chroot'ing - administration by a non-root user is required? What do you think about wuftpd? in.ftpd? If I remember right, there were postings on this list reporting wuftpd weaknesses a few months ago. Thanks a lot, Matthias -- w e b f a c t o r y Matthias Pigulla <mp@webfactory.de> - Geschaefsfuehrer Lessingstr. 60 - 53113 Bonn - http://www.webfactory.de/ Fon: 0228-9114455 - Fax: 0228-9114499 - ICQ: 49185492