Sven Michels [] wrote:
Hello guys,
I have a big doubt,
When should I use AmaVis or InterScan VirusWall ? What are
On Tue, Oct 22, 2002 at 12:14:47PM -0500, Manuel Peña wrote: the differents
between both? What is the better?
i would prefere postfix + amavisd because you can use the power of postfix configuration options for filtering mail etc., and after that your mail will be scanned by amavisd before the mail will be dropped to the users mailbox. amavisd is also known to work with highvolumes (5-7 GB Mail an more per day) servers.
I know (and use, in different locations) both products. First of all, theses are toally different products. Amavis is "only" a middleware sitting between your mail server and your virus scanning software (amavis is _not_ a virus scanner!). Amavis is free. TrendMicro's InterScan VirusWall (or short ISVW) ( is an email virus scanner, and also scans HTTP and FTP traffic, too. ISVW licenses are per-user licenses. IIRC 100 Users == 5000 EUR/USD. ISVW (at least their SMTP-forwarding) is a pain IMHO, as you lose at least the IP of the mail server you receive mail from (it's always localhost). Beside this, it works well for a customer of mine which is a gay portal and gets about 100-150 viral/wormed mails every day. Personally I use amavisd, with AntiVir from H+B EDV (, trophie (, an alternative frontend for TrendMicro's libvsapi shared library, and clamav (, a free scanner which uses OpenAV's ( signatures, but is implemeted in C (openav is written in Java). All these in different combinations, and they all work very well. I must say that amavisd is a really outstanding piece of software, and can only recommend using it. If you don't need HTTP/FTP virus scanning, then go with amavisd + some virus scanner. Which one you chose is up to you; I have no long-term experience about how fast the OpenAV team is when it comes to new virii/worms. The OpenAV home page also has links to (at least) a squid filter which can do http/ftp scanning, and an on access scanner for samba. Hope that helped you. Thomas