On 1/5/05 10:23 PM, "Mike Tierney" <miket@marketview.co.nz> wrote:
Interesting article.
But if you go to the mi2g website and dig around, it says that lots of the problems with Linux were from home users misconfiguring their set-up or not updating vulnerable packages, etc.
Yes, that is very true.
Shame they didn't break it down by "distribution" of Linux!! :)
That would have been nice. Some flavors install (almost) as bad as M$ - everything open. (isn't it mandrake or something?) Then you have some that install with everything closed. But to be honest, I also have OSX servers. It is a nice GUI, and is good at what it does. You just have to get used to the fact that you can't change the eye candy. We have had three other servers going for years with out anyone getting in or even close, each with out a firewall at all. Those three are ASIP servers. Totally different way of thinking... Still going strong. Long live OS9! :) -- Thanks, George "...Linux, MS-DOS, and Windows XP" (also known as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)