Hi everybody, today I had a few crazy nessus results. I did a securityscan on my machine and nessus found a security hole in isakmp service. It says The remote IPSEC server seems to have a problem negotiating bogus IKE requests. An attacker may use this flaw to disable your VPN remotely Solution: Contact your vendor for a patch Risk factor: High Protocol UDP Port 500 At the last nessus scan at about the 11th April, no security whole was found. In both cases I updated the nessus db with nessus-update-plugins before i started the scan. My real problem is, that I'm absolutely sure, that no IPSEC server is running on my system. To check this result, I installed SuSE 7.2 in a minimal configuration with absolut no network services running on another computer and also made a nessus scan. Again I get a security hole in isakmp. Then I started an nmap scan wit h the option sU, and nmap didn't find an open udp port. Is it a bug in the nessus attack-script or is there a "hidden" directive in SuSE 7.2 that i didn't find or has someone similiary "problems" and knows a solution? My nessusd version is 1.0.9 Thanks a lot in advance Konrad