Kurt Seifried wrote:
I hate to say this but September 20th is only ~44 days away, I'd advise waiting. I highly doubt even if SuSE threw (past tense of thrown anyone?) a semi-truck full of 100 dollar bills at RSA that they would be able to get this licensed and out the door/etc by sept 20th.
I'm not sure what Sep 20 brings. One person told me he didn't believe all of BSAFE will be freed up then. Im also don't know if Mozilla will build to anything other than BSAFE. One person told me he has built using BSAFEeay, but that looks pretty shaky at this point. Even the libs I have for the older NSS don't look like they will seamlessly fit into the current code base. I can't go into details, but there is no one-to-one matching.
First our Government says we can't export our cryptographic technology, so the rest of the world reproduces it for free, and now our Government makes it impossible to use it domestically! Hey, anybody in Germany or the UK hiring?
Write your congresscritter.
The guy who said "I'm proud to be a tax and spend liberal?" And "no one is going to eliminate waste, fraud and inefficiency in the Federal Government?" - Steny Hoyer