Fred Mobach wrote:
"Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso" wrote:
I've just installed a SuSE63 in a new machine and i'm trying to leave it just with the essentials services, doing a portscan this is the result:
fmmarzoa@vivaldi:~ > portscan 22 23 80 113 139 443 514 #
Well, i want port 22 (ssh), 23 (telnet), 80 (http) and 139 (netbios - sorry, it should serve files to windows clients :/) active, and i know how to deactivate them if i need, but i cant find how to put out 113 (auth), 443 (https) and 514 (shell ?).
443 can be served by apache. Is apache up ?
Yes, and i need it :) But this port (ssl/apache) has been putting out in a dirty manner but less is nothing...
514 is served by inetd, at least on some of my boxes with SuSE 6.1 / 6.3.
shell wrapped by inetd in fact, now there's right too :)
Is the portmapper started while setting up the network ? Why do you need telnet if ssh is running ?
Hey! what a lot of curiosity! X) I know it seems to be stupid, but I'll shut down telnet service when this host be working on its destination LAN, it's more comfortable for me to use telnet while i'm still configuring it :) Have a good one :)
Fred Mobach
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-- Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso Nuevo Mundo - Dpto. Informático ICQ#: 62850923 Henri Dunant, 19 - 28036 Madrid tfno: +34 91 343 18 40 ext. 207 España / Spain fax: +34 91 350 28 45