Am 22-Mär-01 schrieb Yuri Robbers:
Hi all,
Sometimes I have to remotely log into a system (SuSE :o) of mine from a machine that doesn't come with ssh. That's why I tend to carry ssh client binaries for a number of OS's with me most of the time. I'd like to add some more of those to my collection. Does anyone know where to find or how to compile ssh binaries on any of these OS's: VMS, DOS, AmigaOS, Acorn RISC-OS and Mac-OS? For VMS I would be interested in having an ssh server too...
A ssh capable client for Amiga is napsaterm. I use V3.13for years. But I can't remember where it came from. Another Client may be AmTelnet available from www.vapor.com . But since it's commercial I've no experiances with it. Bye Thom -- I like work ... I can sit and watch it for hours. ------------------------------------------------------------------- bye bye (c) by Thom | Thorsten Marquardt | EMail: THOM@kaupp.chemie.uni-oldenburg.de | Member of the pzt project. | http://www.pzt.de -------------------------------------------------------------------