miguel gmail wrote:
I do agree with (all of) you. Nothing easier than using the bundled Postfix. It is quite easy to use, and there is as much information as I may ever need. And I did use it some time ago.
But I am also looking to improve my knowledge, the possibilities I offer to my customers, say with qmail, exim or whatever. And including some detailed and specific instructions for installing qmail on SuSE... would be a definitive advantage for qmail and lazy administrators like me.
The problem is: you need a lot of patches to make it work the way you want. The patches may be incompatible, and thus several different fearless code-warriors merged some of their favourite patches. People have actually created businesses by providing patches, tutorials and scripts to ease the installation of qmail and related tools. I prefer Matt Simerson's toaster-setup: http://www.tnpi.biz/internet/mail/toaster.shtml But there are more: http://www.qmailrocks.org/ http://www.shupp.org/toaster/ http://www.qmailtoaster.com/ The problem is: you still have to have a good idea what the scripts will be doing in the background, or you're really lost in case things don't work anymore (but you can then hire the guy who wrote the tutorial - as I said, most have created a business out of it...) cheers, Rainer