Hi folks, im going to set up an proxyserver for HTTP/FTP/SMTP/POP3 and maybe ssh(i don't know how, yet) in my mind the network construction is looking like this: $I-Net$ <---> $Outdoor router$ <---> $proxy/fw$ <---> $web-server/smtp$ Some words towards the "grafic": I'm going to proxy the services for the internet users. The proxy is not a router. I think it might be more securer than a firewall. May be you have some idea which proxy server will be the best choice? I request comments for this idea. Wich advantage and disadvantage brings this method with it ? thanks Dimitri Melnikowitsch _______________________________________________________________________ 1.000.000 DM gewinnen - kostenlos tippen - http://millionenklick.web.de IhrName@web.de, 8MB Speicher, Verschluesselung - http://freemail.web.de _______________________________________________________________________ Das WEB.DE Zertifikat zur Pruefung digitaler Unterschriften gibts bei: http://trust.web.de/root.sql