I'm rather uneasy about the suggested workround because if you use that ulimit command it has no effect on the reported limit. e.g.
$ ulimit -v 2147483647 $ ulimit -v unlimited
After some experiments I found that 4194303 works and 4194304 does not. This corresponds to 4 GB which should be big enough for my purposes.
I was stupid, the ulimit is given in kBytes in bash. :-( Sorry. 2097151 should be ok. That's 2GB-1kB.
Of course, it may be that the limit is being set correctly and reported wrongly but you can understand my concern.
I have verified that if root sets its shell ulimit to 4194303 and restarts sshd then the new limit applies to new ssh sessions, which is good.
I'm using SuSE 8.2.
Should be independent of what SUSE you use...
Thanks, Roman. -- Check the headers for your unsubscription address For additional commands, e-mail: Security-related bug reports go to, not here