On Tuesday 01 March 2005 07:14, Marco Maske wrote: Maske: I do not understand German, but I do have ksteak on my system. If I want the support that my US dollars makes me entitled to, I must use this list. I have no problem with the fact that it is hosted in a country other than my own. I have absolutely no problem with the person who ocassionally forgets and uses his native language on this list. However! Using this list to expouse political crap condeming the leader of a country, any country, is offensive, arrogant, out of order, uncalled for, and should be cause for being banned from this list! I fully expect that you, and all others, will refrain from posting the likes of this, now, and in the future. I also expect an apology. To me, and to all the others on this list! Angry as Hell!
Marcus Meissner wrote:
We will be releasing 0.83 too in some days.
still ready ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/clamav/clamav-0.83/
-- Ciao Marco, registered GNU/Linux-User 313353
Keine Macht George W.Bush und seiner Junta zur Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Wahlbetrug, Christianisierung, Terror, Weltmacht & 'BigBrother-watching'. Für Freiheit und Demokratie, kauft keine U$-Waren!