On Thu, 05 Apr 2001, Spiegel Thomas-CTS059 wrote:
Hi, we are using the radius daemon (cistron "radiusd") for authentication of dial-in clients accessing through a cisco access server. At the moment we use static IP address assignment.
Does anybody know whether the radius server permits IP address pool configuration? The dial-in clients shall get a dynamic assigned IP address from a pool.
I don't believe this RADIUS server supports dynamic IP. even if it does IMHO the RADIUS server is the wrong place for this functionality. It must perform all kinds of back flips to prevent it's view of the IP's in use from becoming out of sync with the access racks in the event of network, hardware or software. I'm no Cisco buff but almost all Cisco kit can be made to allocate IP's from a dynamic pool if not supplied by the RADIUS server. That's probably a better way to implement this. If you mail the series number and ios version of your access server I probably if you the correct incantation. Nigel