Dirk, The cleanest way of disabling services you don't want is with the chkconfig command. Zapping /etc/init.d/nscd is a poor solution because the file may be reinstalled if you upgrade. Bob On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, Dirk Schreiner wrote:
deactivate that f$)%§)$g NSCD.
Better do a cat /dev/null > /etc/init.d/nscd as yast in some obscure cases automatically activates NSCD (insserv), and I never found a config Option to block this reactivation. (Often after SW-Installation. rpm-Scripts?) Maybe one of the SuSE-Guys can help with this.
And then man NSCD.
Hollweg, Daniel schrieb:
Hi List,
I have an problem with my SuSe 8.2 installation with all current security patches applied. If I enter /bin/false as login shell in the /etc/passwd the user can still login and gets shell access. After rebooting the system the shell entry in the /etc/passwd is processed correct and a login attempt is closed as you would expect. Other entries like home dir in the passwd are parsed correct.
Any ideas?
Thanks and regards Daniel
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============================================================== Bob Vickers R.Vickers@cs.rhul.ac.uk Dept of Computer Science, Royal Holloway, University of London WWW: http://www.cs.rhul.ac.uk/home/bobv Phone: +44 1784 443691