On Wednesday 18 February 2004 13:20, Thomas Biege wrote:
___________________________________________________________________________ ___
SUSE Security Announcement
Package: Linux Kernel Announcement-ID: SuSE-SA:2004:005 Date: Wednesday, Feb. 18th 2004 23:05 MET Affected products: 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 9.0
I just happened to do a yast online update earlier today and I noticed that the machine (SuSE 8.1 pro) dowloaded and installed a kernel (2.4.21-189) and while downloading it, it said it was an athlon package. (Its a dual Pentium II mobo.) I thought the Athlon notation thingie was fixed?? The actual file downloaded was -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 22614744 Feb 18 12:24 k_psmp-2.4.21-189.i586.rpm Yet it specifically mentioned athlon while it was downloading it. Should I be afraid to reboot that server? -- _____________________________________ John Andersen