** On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 16:31:26 -0700 "Kurt Seifried" <listuser@seifried.org>dashed off this message: **perhaps suse could add a section about cron jobs to the security manual? Now THAT is a really good idea , even if they do a brief , but cogent explination w/ perhaps a fuller explination on the website ? ( include the url in the explation ) it needed take up several chapters ... especially as they could always expand the "coverage" in the following system update information. I have said before that I thought the books are often worth almost as much as the distro itself ! And I keep all the old ones, as there is still information in the older versions of the biggest volume in the box. I will donate them to a worthy group once Numerical designation is back to "whole" numbers again. ( no decimal points <g>) -- j afterthought : Accident,n.:A condition in which presence of mind is good, but absence of body is