It will happen when the version _after_ 8.2 is available on ftp.
8.2 is _available_ on ftp, thats why _7.1_ was _discontinued_.
and I said "7.2 will be discontinued when the one after 8.2 is on ftp."
Looks like 7.2 will die earlier. This has to do with the fact that we used to make 4 distros in one year and three in the following (while this does not reflect the future plans). 7.2 ftp version was released near the end of June 2001, so it will follow soon. Thanks, Roman. -- - - | Roman Drahtmüller <> // Nail here | SuSE Linux AG - Security Phone: // for a new | Nürnberg, Germany +49-911-740530 // monitor! --> [x] | - -