I have personally witnessed break-ins on MSWinXX machines using dynamic IPs over dial-up lines. Port scanners are often used by malicious ( and otherwise ) hackers to find vulnerabilities in systems on an ISP ( it is much easier to find a target by scanning ISP users for vulnarabilities than it is to find one using a random IP off the net. ISPs generally own one C class subnet or so, and rent out the last four digits to users dynamically. Ignoring security issues and trusting the upstream to do it for you does _not_ make them go away. It just makes users lazy in their regard to security, which puts corporate and home networks at risk. Robert_Helmer http://robert.namodn.com Stephan Lauffer wrote:
Hi all!
It should be very useful, if further yast-versions asks the user whether his host acts as standalone client or server.
And then give the user a choice of what demons it wants run, and then warn
Maybe - if you´re the sysadmin of a server, you must check and modify the system in any cases. A "normal user" instead normally does not have a internet connection 24h a day and also no static ip-adress. So it´s not very important, if the security-level of the system is not very high.
Liebe Gruesse, Stephan Lauffer
[ Paedagogische Hochschule Freiburg - Systemtechnik - Germany ] [ ZIK Zentrum fuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie ] [ Tel.: 0761 - 682 459 Mobil: 0172 - 7145 197 ]
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