The Saturday 2004-03-27 at 13:58 +0100, David Huecking wrote:
which did global virus checking and per user spam checking with Bayes testing to fetchmail->postfix->amavisd-new->perl-spamassassin->cyrus-imapd which does global virus and global spam checking BUT NO PER USER spam checking, so without Bayes testing! :-( So the rate of unreconised spam did increase.
I saw a note at the SpammAssassin sources a note to use it with an SQL data base for personal preferences: |SpamAssassin can now load users' score files from an SQL database. The |concept here is to have a web application (PHP/perl/ASP/etc.) that will |allow users to be able to update their local preferences on how |SpamAssassin will filter their e-mail. The most common use for a system |like this would be for users to be able to update the white list of |addresses (whitelist_from) without the need for them to update their |$HOME/.spamassassin/user_prefs file. It is also quite common for users |listed in /etc/passwd to not have a home directory, therefore, the only |way to have their own local settings would be through an RDBMS system. Perhaps that could help you, or they have more info at their web site. -- Cheers, Carlos Robinson