....hum, ok, so snort-1.8.4-3 in version 8.0 snort 1.8.7b128 in version 8.1 must be used with the following workaround, from snort.org ?. If you are in an environment that can not upgrade snort immediately, comment out the line in your snort.conf that begins: preprocessor rpc_decode and replace it with: # preprocessor rpc_decode Thomas Biege wrote:
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, HoneyNet Germany wrote:
Together with the Sendmail Remote Buffer Overflow there has been announced a Snort vulnerablity. But until now no one mentioned this on the list, nor is an update availble.
When can we expect an updated Snort 1.9.1 RPM?
This version will be shipped with the upcoming SuSE Linux distribution.
Bye, Thomas
-- -.Francisco Acosta.- -.chesco@idea.com.py.-