On Tue, Apr 29, 2003 at 03:10:22PM +0000, suseuser@blackcatsys.plus.com wrote:
If the firewall on the server is turned off, the client works perfectly happily. But if the firewall on the server is turned on, it won't. I have opened up both 20 and 21 TCP and UDP to a limited IP range (within my network), but it just won't have any of it. I can log in, but I can't ls or
A second TCP connection is neccessary to transfer the directory listing. Same situation occurs when get, put, ... is used. Toggle passive mode and try again. If passive mode is not used, the second TCP connection is opend in the opposite direction. If passive mode is used, two high ports are used. The pasv_min_port and pasv_max_port parameters in /etc/vsftpd.conf may be used to choose a port range on the server side.
change directory.
This sounds strange to me. The transfer of the content of a .message file may fail, but the cd should work. Not shure about that. -- Stefan Tichy <listuser@pi4tel.de>