i use automount to manage directories in different computers, but, sometimes automount hangs with a D signal and i can't kill it with a KILL -9 "automountpid" how i must kill and restart it without restarting the computer?!! TKS for all / \ ) (( )) ( (@) /|\ ))_(( /|\ |-| / | \ (/\|/\) / | \ (@) |-|----------------------/--|-voV---\`|'/--Vov-|--\----------------------|-| |-| Universitat '^` (o o) '^` Barcelona |-| |-| `\Y/' |-| |-| Dept. Estructura i Contituents de la Materia |-| |-| Miquel Mateos Gustemps |-| |-| http://www.hispagate.com |-| |-| icq: #3149091 |-| |-| |-| |-| "Explota!: Miles de Lemmings no pueden estar equivocados" |-| |_|______________________________________________________________________|-| (@) l /\ / ( ( \ /\ l |-| l / V \ \ V \ l (@) l/ _) )_ \I `\ /'