I had a problem with the nvidia drivers after the update. But, updating=20 to the nvidia drivers from suse and then running sax2 fixed the problem=20 for me. You might want to give it a try. Selcuk On Tue, 25 Mar 2003, Mathias Homann wrote:
Am Dienstag, 25. M�rz 2003 18:30 schrieb Roman Drahtmueller:
ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/8.1/kernel/2.4.19-20030324/k_deflt-2.4.19-274.i586.rpm 0e54e7a10fc3c6f0ec803811d0431bc3
As I mentioned earlier today, after installing this one on a P4 with a GF4Ti4200, trying to start X11 (no matter wether I installed the 3123 driver which comes viy YOU or the latest from www.nvidia.com) hardlocks my system. If it weren't for the cordless keyboard I would surely see the flashing keyboard leds of a kernel panic. The box is totally dead, even doesn't respond to pings via the network. But as long as I stay out of X11 its stable. But thats unacceptable for my desktop box...
bye, [MH]
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