On Wednesday 02 March 2005 7:20 am, Angry wrote:
On Wednesday 02 March 2005 06:44, Ralph Seichter wrote:
Is this an official Net Police broadcast? ;-) Look up "freedom of speech", it is an interesting concept.
Alright! Since you insist, if it were not for my country, and the policies it stands for, you all (or y'all) would not have the oportunity to use "Free Speech"! It is, after all, an American idea and ideal! Without the US, you'd be speaking Japanise (Germany caved in first, remember?)
Now, let's stop on this list, OK? You want to continue this? email me privately. I've been around since WWII, and am intimately able to discuss politics!
Angry as Hell!
Marcus !! Since this is a *somewhat* moderated list, want to exersize your new powers??? j/k But the thread is getting BORING !! -- j I'm putting on the B-mer Brothers Would you mind putting on this grass skirt?