Whenever I scan myself, with firewall down, X shows itself as listening on port 6000. I thought this was supposed to be disabled. I found the following suggestion on the internet, but I can't find any 'xserverrc' or equivalent file on my system. How do i do this? I looked at securityportal but precisely this issue does not seem to have been addressed. Thanks Corvin startx -- -nolisten tcp xhosts +local: If you never want to run X programs on a remote machine to display on your local machine, then you may as well shut off this non-essential service The -nolisten tcp is passed directly to the X Server. You may want to put this in a system startup file like /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xserverrc or /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc The xhosts line means "trust all clients who are on local host". This is fine for a workstation with only one user, like a typical home machine. -- Corvin Russell <corvinr@sympatico.ca>