10 Jun
10 Jun
Hello list, as a new feature, GMX enables a SSL POP3 port ( on 995 ) for secure downloading your emails. I look at the fetchmail FAQ and try to use the described method: 1. Create a script with: openssl s_client -quiet -ssl2 -connect pop.gmx.net:995 2. Use fetchmail with plugin fetchmail --plugin secure-gmx --port 995 Now, when I try to pop my mails the remote daemon says, that he can't find my issuer certificate. But I create a new certificate before I have downladed my emails. Then it seems that I forward to the normal POP3 port ( 110 ). Does anybody has succeed in SSL POP3 with GMX or any other mail service? Thanks in advance. -- Two-a-Day at joesixpack.net www.freenet.de/joesixpack keyid BF3DF9B4