Hi, as someone else already suggested: RTFM (read the fu**ing manual). This is not an arrogant statement but a totally normal advice - it's been this way since the early days of the internet (as I remember it). You really need to read about networking, protocols and services if you are serious about firewalls and security in general. Without a basic knowledge it will be very frustrating to try and get things working. To answer your question: it is a good idea to block netbios traffic (137-139 TCP and UDP) trying to access anything else but your local LAN. Erwin --- BLeonhardt@analytek.de wrote:
so thank's for all your answers ... it's working now ...
... but today something strange is happend ...
the host tried to make a connection to an unknown IP on port 137 ( UDP ) ... why that ? ... usually Port 137 ( UDP ) is :
netbios-ns 137/tcp # NETBIOS Name Service netbios-ns 137/udp # NETBIOS Name Service
... here the log-entry :
Nov 28 12:26:22 linux-box kernel: OPEN: -> UDP, port:137 -> 137
... anybody an idea ??? should I deny any connections from host to internet on this port ???
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Bruno Leonhardt
CLP Domino R5 Systemadministrator ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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